Saturday, 14 July 2012

Letters: Bankers, Voter ID law, urban life

Regarding "World bankers still short on integrity in LIBOR case" (Page D1, Friday), bring on the regulation of big banks, brokerages, hedge funds, financial traders and company CEOs who have been cheating, colluding, manipulating and breaking the law. The unethical behavior and crimes brought on the recession and the losses and low interest rates that small investors have now suffered for years. Regarding "Voter ID law latest challenge facing civil rights organization" (Page B1, Saturday), I'm still at a loss to understand how in the world the simple requirement of a photo ID has caused such outrage and accusations of racism. [...] accusations of racism exasperate those of us who are only trying to ensure that our voting system is honest. Regarding "Going green a parking spot at a time" (Page A1, Saturday), Houston City Councilman Ed Gonzalez needs a wake-up call. [...] businesses can lure elusive creative types without sacrificing coveted parking spaces.

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